For some people, the accelerated learning process is continuous.
But for most, it levels off when they get their first job. If there are no more exams to take, if there’s no demand to get out paper and pencil, why read any more books? Of course, you will learn some things through experience. Just getting out there — sometimes doing it wrong and sometimes doing it right — you will learn.
But can you imagine what would happen if you kept up an accelerated learning curve for the rest of your life? Can you imagine what you could learn to do, the skills you could develop, the capacities you could have? Here’s what I’m asking you to do: Be that unusual person who keeps up his learning curve and develops an appetite for always trying to find good ideas.
Search libraries for books and programs. Search magazines. Search documentaries. Search the internet. Each resource is full of opportunities for intellectual feasting.
One way to feed your mind and educate your philosophy is through the writings of influential people. Maybe you can’t meet the person, but you can read his or her books. Churchill is gone, but we still have his books. Aristotle is gone, but we still have his ideas. Search libraries for books and programs. Visit Pastor Chris digital library. Search magazines. Search documentaries. Search the internet. Each resource is full of opportunities for intellectual feasting.
In addition to reading and listening, you also need a chance to do some talking and sharing. Have some people in your life who help you with important life questions, who assist you in refining your own philosophy, weighing your values and pondering questions about success and lifestyle.
We all need association with people of substance to provide influence concerning major issues like society, money, enterprise, family, government, love, friendship, culture, taste, opportunity and community. Philosophy is mostly influenced by ideas, ideas are mostly influenced by education and education is mostly influenced by the people with whom we associate.
I’m asking that you feed your mind just as you do your body. Feed it with good ideas, wherever they can be found. Always be on the lookout for a good idea — a business idea, a product idea, a service idea, an idea for personal improvement. Every new idea will help to refine your philosophy. Your philosophy will guide your life, and your life will unfold with distinction and pleasure.